Mommy Resources

When it comes to getting advice, Moms want to hear it from someone else that has walked in their shoes before.  Everyone knows that as Women, we like to discuss things in detail and we don’t tend to leave out anything!  One of the benefits for me, before becoming a Mother, was that I was already in Early Childhood and wanted to know, not only how to “do things right”, but I wanted to be there for other Mothers.  As the years passed, I found that there is no (one) right way to parent or Mother one’s own children.  I have worked with families from over 12 different countries throughout the years and let me tell you, that every country has their own Parenting skills and methods!

Nothing Is New Under the Sun

As a Homeschooling Mother, I am finding that not only is Parenting very subjective, but so is Homeschooling!  Every family dynamic is different and what works for one, will not work for another.  So, I am simply here to share my journey of experiences with anyone that could benefit from it.  Parenting is as exciting, as it is stressful.  It is full of rewards as it is, painful sometimes.  It’s the journey that is with us for a season.  Sharing is caring, so if you like what you read, make sure to share with a Momma, you know too!