In the early months of being postpartum, we like to refer to this as “Baby on the brain” condition. You have been tending to your little one 24 hours a day with no constant sleep and recovering from giving birth, that many times, Mothers have forgotten their baby in the car. It’s not that they have intentionally done it, but they have so much on their mind, they are in overload mentality.
The most concern of course, is during the hot summer months. When temperatures reach 80 degrees Farenheit, it can only take ten minutes for a baby to overheat and die from heat exhaustion because the vehicle can reach 100 degrees inside. No one wants this kind of a tragedy. Even if you are going to be less than ten minutes, your baby is asleep and you just don’t want to carry the baby in, please consider that if anyone was to report you to Police authorities, you would not only be ripped to shreds by the local News as being an “unfit Mother”, but you would also have Child Custody Services called and your child would be taken away. It’s simply not worth it!
How To Prevent Leaving Your Child in the Car

- There are now carseats that are sold with an alarm that will sound if you do not take the carseat and baby with you, great invention for preventing a tragedy
- Try placing your purse/handbag next to the carseat so that you won’t lock your doors without getting your baby and handbag too
- Take one last look in the car before you go into a store
- Walmart and other stores have jumped on this bandwagon to have signs on the entrance doors asking if you have “forgotten something”
- Place something in the front seat to remind you not to forget your baby
- If you ever see a child left in a car alone, dial 911 to help get them out immediately, then once help arrives, take note of the make and model of the car and the license plate number and tell the store Manager, so they. can alert the Parent.
- You can also purchase car window thermometer decals that will help you keep track of the temperature inside your vehicle.