There are so many things that your Baby is already learning as they grow and develop! Here are some more great exercise tips:
- When changing your Baby’s diaper, make sure to talk to your Baby, kiss body parts, laugh and smile. Keeping eye contact and maintaining a happy face is a great way to encourage your Baby and build self-esteem, while also teaching them language development with new words. Just because your Baby is only 5 weeks, your Baby is recording every new word. They might not be able to say it yet, but it is recorded, great brain development activity!
- It’s time to start using a mirror! I have had many families that culturally avoided mirrors period because of negative notions they truly believe. There is no scientific evidence that a mirror will cause negative effects in your Baby. If anything, quite the opposite! While doing tummy time, allow your Baby to see themself in a mirror and talk to your Baby, saying their name. Grab their hand and have them touch the mirror for developing a sense of self-awareness later.
- Begin side lying your baby, preferably on a hard surface. I always encourage exercises to be on the floor, having your baby on top of a clean blanket. If they’re already on the floor, they cannot fall off from anywhere, plus they get the help of gravity and balance. You can hold your baby on their side and place an object in front of them, so they can focus on it, visually. Try the left side, then place your baby’s right leg over the left leg so that it is touching the floor. This should help balance, while your baby is learning to use their entire body to remain on their side. Next, switch to the right side. If baby gets frustrated, just stop by rolling them onto their back and comforting them. This exercise can last as much as 5 minutes or less, depending on your baby.
This is the time to expect another growth spurt! All this learning is brain development that needs more nutrition intake, so be aware.