Can a Toddler truly be taught Science?  Absolutely!  The key is doing it at their level of development.  Toddlers are little sponges and are soaking in everything through all of their senses.  So, for our little Science lesson, I wanted to show my daughter Cause and Effect, Imagination Skills and show her the effects of Static Electricity.  She absolutely loved it!  Here is what we did, feel free to try it and comment how it went for you and your Toddler.


Scissors, Glue, Popscicle Stick, Card Stock Paper, Tissue Paper, flat cardboard, Balloon and your Toddler!


First Step

Take your card stock paper and your tissue paper.  Cut two hearts out, make sure they’re around the same size.  These will be the wings of your butterfly.


Second Step

You will have better results if you use a glue gun, but if you don’t have one, Elmer’s glue should work too!  Take your hearts and glue them onto the popsicle stick.


Third Step

Place the butterfly onto your cardboard paper (I used a mat cube).

Fourth Step

Blow up the balloon and start rubbing your Toddler’s head.  Tell your Toddler that you are creating electricity.  Use descriptive words and explain the process to them.

Fifth Step

Hover the balloon over the butterfly and watch the tissue paper rise.  Let your Toddler know that their static is causing the butterfly to flap its wings!

Sixth Step

Ask your Toddler to start blowing as hard as they can.  Have them get really close to the butterfly’s wings.

Now watch their amazement as the wings catch the air draft and rise up slowly.  Repeat, repeat, repeat!  Toddlers thrive on repetition!


We had so much fun doing this activity!  Expect your Toddler to get over stimulated or frustrated, that’s normal.  Just reassure them to keep trying.  Once they see just how this Science activity works, they will be excited to keep going!

Learning Points


Hand/Eye coordination


Motor Skills


Vocabulary Words







Popsicle Stick

Tissue Paper

Card Stock


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