I had two Elementary aged kids and was expecting my third. No one really give you details as to what their daily schedule looked like, so I decided to share some tips that share just how I prepared to Homeschool and care for a Newborn too.

The Truth Behind Sleep Sacks
Isn’t a sleep sack, a sleep sack? Not exactly. They are designed with purpose for multiple situations, so make sure you get the right one for your little one!

Baby at Month 3; Avoiding Containment Syndrome
Determine whether your baby is getting the right movement needed for their development by month 3.

How to Safely Administer Gripe Water to a Newborn
Prevent your newborn from choking, by practicing these two techniques, when giving gripe water.

Month One: Baby Reflexes
Learn what natural reflexes your Baby has after birth and how you can see their reaction to stimulation!

Week Two Exercises with Your Baby
See what exercises you can begin by week two of your Baby’s life.

10 Things To Remember During Baby’s First Days
Do you know what to expect the first days after having a baby? Read here to find out.

What Does A Safe, “Perfect” Nursery Look Like?
Discover what a safe and perfect baby nursery area should look like, from a professional perspective.