I had two Elementary aged kids and was expecting my third. No one really give you details as to what their daily schedule looked like, so I decided to share some tips that share just how I prepared to Homeschool and care for a Newborn too.
Your Baby at 5 Months, Has Work To Do!
It’s getting exciting! See how this month will change with your bundle of joy.
4 Month Exercises Your Baby Will Love!
It’s time to get a good floor mat! Get your baby moving with these great workouts!
My 3 Month Old’s Schedule
See my own baby’s daily routine at 3 months, as a sample schedule.
Baby at Month 3; Avoiding Containment Syndrome
Determine whether your baby is getting the right movement needed for their development by month 3.
Baby’s 6th Week Exercises
Practice some fun exercises this week that help with listening skills, language development and motor skills.
Week Two Exercises with Your Baby
See what exercises you can begin by week two of your Baby’s life.