All cultures have their own form of swaddling a baby.  I have had the opportunity to work with Native American families, Middle Eastern families, African families and many other cultures.  Each had their own version of swaddling and each culture saw it as very important.

What’s The Point?

Babies from 0-6 months of age have a reflex called the Moro Reflex.  They will wake up, startled and extend their arms out at the same time.  This causes them to wake up from their sleep.  The swaddle prevents that from happening.  A baby’s brain development can be affected, when a baby is not getting the constant sleep.  The continuous interrupted sleep will not only affect their development, but will also cause a baby to be very cranky and irritable.  This dis-regulates a baby’s ability to self-regulate, which becomes a nightmare, later.

Do I Recommend It?

Absolutely!!!!  I cannot stress enough how much of a blessing the swaddle is for a baby and for Mommy!  Some of the benefits include:

  • Easily soothes a baby
  • Reduces anxiety in both baby and Mommy
  • Helps to calm Colic
  • Prevents a baby from scratching their face

Can I Swaddle Just The Arms?

Yes.  The main purpose is for the startle reflex (Moro).  If your baby’s legs are not enclosed in a swaddle, it will not affect the effectiveness of their arms being swaddled.

When Should I Swaddle My Baby?

Only for sleep.  You should not have your baby swaddled for eating, whether it is breastfeeding or bottle feeding.  Your baby should be able to explore their surroundings with their hands, when awake.  Swaddling, prevents movement, so make sure it is only for sleep, when you do not want unnecessary movement.

When Can I Begin Swaddling?

Day one.  Your baby should be swaddled from day one for sleep only.  Don’t forget to have skin-to-skin if you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding too.  Swaddle Safety

Babies from 0-5 months usually are still learning how to master rolling over.  If you happen to have a strong baby that begins to roll over sooner, swaddling should stop.  A baby could die of S.I.D.S. because they are unable to roll back onto their back, in a swaddle position.

  • Make sure that you use a light blanket to swaddle.  Muslin blankets are perfect, as well as receiving blankets and winged baby saddlers.  All swaddling blankets should be made from cotton because it is very breathable.
  • Always make sure your baby is asleep in a swaddle, while lying on their back.
  • Don’t swaddle too tight, it should be firm, so that your baby isn’t able to get out of their swaddle.  Loose swaddles, even with breathable cotton is still a suffocation hazard.
  • Make sure to check the back of your baby’s head.  If you see that they are sweating, they could easily over heat.  Babies cannot self-regulate their body temperature.  So make sure not to over layer your baby.  Picture how you would feel if you were swaddled.  If you see your baby is sweating, simply remove some clothing items or layers.
  • Some hospitals will use a “ball” technique to swaddle newborns.  It does mimic the womb, but after birth, your baby is beginning to develop.  Some research has shown that hip dysplasia could be caused due to this swaddling technique, after birth.  Make sure their legs are extended and they could kick, if they needed to.

The most important thing is to make sure that it is a snug swaddle that the baby cannot get out of.  It should also not cover the neck or the face.



Which Swaddle Is Best?

Any and all.  The idea is to have your baby’s arm from extending, due to the Moro Reflex, which wakes them up.  Swaddling is your friend and will bring peace to you and your baby, but remember, you only need to do it for sleep.

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