Every Parent has their own independent struggles that they face, whether it is with their first child or a handful of them. I will be posting about some of the everyday struggles that Parents have faced. It will include questions and techniques about how to address a child, as an individual. Many of these struggles are actually linked with how a Parent was brought up, by their own Parents. Sometimes, we have to dig deeper to find the root of what the problem actually stems from. Every household dynamic is unique. There are many different cultures that I have worked with, but my focus will mainly be from an American perspective.
This is a section for the more serious side of Parenting. It will touch on some very deep subjects. I am not a counselor, but I have been there for families that have faced some very difficult life situations. I will post about those different types of struggles and how to manage them. Sometimes, we need a non-biased viewpoint. Having a piece of advice that is not coming from a friend or family member can help a Parent to see things from a different perspective. Feel free to e-mail me with any struggles you might be going through. Someone else is going through the exact same situation.