Welcome to my Blog!

Thank you for visiting my blog, I am so glad that you are here!

Let me share a little background about myself. I have been happily married to my amazing Husband since 2008. We have three beautiful children that are precious and deeply cherished and loved.  I am a strong Christian believer and have been walking with Jesus for over 34 years!  Before starting a blog, I was an Early Childhood Educator for first time Parents. I would visit Parents weekly, in their home and would guide Parents from the Prenatal stage until their child turned 5 years of age.

I worked with children that were born with disabilities.  I also helped guide Parents with the right resources.  Many Parents I worked with were in great financial situations and others were not.  For the ones that were considering abortion, I helped guide them to better alternatives.  For the families that chose to keep their babies, I was their Home Visitor and made sure that the family had what they needed to be resilient.  

I became very close with families, as I visited their homes on a weekly basis.  Our topics ranged from every angle of Development and I worked with families of many nationalities. I later had to “retire early” from my job because my Mother had Congenital Heart Failure and I became her Caregiver.  It was a full time job and I could not return to work, which I enjoyed so much.  I took care of my Mother for one year and she recovered.  I was also caring for my Father, who later went to Heaven the Summer of 2022.  

I felt lead by God to begin Homeschooling my kids, after having been in the public school system.  It appeared to be such a difficult decision at the time, but reflecting back, it was all a part of God’s plan.  I knew nothing about Homeschooling and felt very unequipped to get the job done, but with God’s help, I found many resources and met many seasoned Homeschooling Mamas that helped me, along the way.


 I have a degree in Early Childhood and am certified in Child Development. I am endorsed in Infant Mental Health and am certified as a Community Healthcare Worker, as well.  My focus was on Early Intervention and Prevention and Infant Mental Health.  The setting of my job was to going into the home of each family, on a weekly basis.  Here, I assisted families by empowering them with Parenting skills, Nutrition, Prenatal planing, Postpartum Care, Infant Development, Toddler skills, Infant massage, Language Development, Social-Emotional Development, Problem-Solving Skills and Techniques, Safety and so much more!

I have worked with families for over 10 years.  These families have come from over 13 different countries and cultural backgrounds. This includes families  from China, Germany, Sierra Leon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, U.K., Iran, Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras, Poland and Ghana.  The families I have worked with have ranged from Teen Parents, Single Parents, Refugees, Parents of multiples, Parents with children that were born with a physical disability, Parents in rehab programs, incarcerated Parents and Homeless Parents.

All families I have worked with, ranged from various socio-economic backgrounds, no Education and multiple degrees, reaching the Ph.D level.   My experience has seen the struggles of Parents from all backgrounds.  My hope is to share my expertise, encourage and uplift families and inspire Parents everywhere!

Welcome to my blog!  Join me as I blog about recommendations, reviews and my own Parenting moments.  

If you would like to follow me on Instagram you will  be notified of when I have a new post @themommylighthouse is for Parenting moments and Homeschooling. 

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