Once a child turns one year old, they will be considered a Toddler! There will be a lot more activity, movement, learning and discovery for a child. There will be a lot of emotional changes that can make the introduction to new things frustrating for both the Toddler and the Parent.  Did you know that toddlers will change the direction of their movement, an average of 18 times in one minute?

I will be discussing Emotions, Parent/Toddler Relationships, Safety, Play Ideas, Growth and Language Development. Parenting a Toddler will never have seemed so easy, so stay tuned!  Parents of Toddlers are guaranteed to be exhausted because they are guiding little ones that are finally mobile!  They just want to explore everything that tickles their senses.  So why is this such a bad thing?  It’s not a bad thing, it just means that there will be a power struggle.  My posts will cover how to identify and manage those power struggles.  Keeping a Parent in control, gives a Parent the freedom to enjoy their child.