Infant stage:

Your little one, will have lost it’s Newborn reflexes and will be very responsive to it’s environment and active. Your baby will begin gaining more control of their body and coordination skills and this will be where the fun begins. I will be posting information on your what development to expect and what exercises and activities you should be doing with your baby at each stage. Look for videos too!


This is the most exhausting stage for the Mom. Not only are you exhausted from childbirth, but your body will be recovering and your hormones will be trying to go back to normal. You’ll be over-joyed to have your little one, but your memory will be off and your days will just blur together. Don’t worry though, once you get past this stage, you will begin to get into a regular routine and you will feel normal again (to a point).


First Stage: The Newborn stage is from 0-2 months. During this stage, your Newborn is completely dependent upon you and is the phase that I call the “zombie days” because you will not have constant, steady sleep. This will be the time to focus on getting your baby fed for nutrition and brain development. Your baby will have many reflexes that will be addressed and once you pass the first two months, you will begin establishing a routine. Your sleep and memory will still be affected, but you will have passed the worst part and your body will begin to feel more normal (although it takes 12 months for your body to fully recover from childbirth.)

Second Stage: At this stage, your baby will be 3 months old and no longer a Newborn, but an Infant.You will have more of a handle on your baby’s needs and will have a routine that will help you stay focused and will make Motherhood more enjoyable. You will have joyous moments and frustrating ones, but beware, the first year goes by so quickly! You won’t believe it when your baby’s first Birthday arrives, so enjoy the laughter, the tears and everything in between.

It is my hope to be able to guide all parents through this first year, in order to better prepare Parents for the Toddler years. This section will cover Baby Sign Language Skills, Nutrition, Language Development, Fine Motor Skills, Gross and Fine Motor Skills, Exercise that focuses on Balance, Brain Development and Social Emotional Skills.

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