Ideally, it is preferred to have Mothers breastfeed their babies, but there are exceptions to every rule. One of the main reasons it is encouraged is because breastmilk is literally designed for your baby. It is easily made and ready and it is easily digested, whereas formula is harder to digest. Introducing formula can also have its negative aspects because it can cause constipation and disrupt the digestion of the baby, which can lead to digestive issues down the road.
I have worked with many Mothers that have felt “guilty” for having to use formula. There are many reasons for this, some have had to return to work and because they were stressed or unable to pump or stay hydrated, they went dry and could no longer breast-feed. Whatever the reason, do NOT beat yourself up about this. Yes, breast is best, but you have a hungry little one that needs to eat, so please know that you are providing nutrition still for your little one. We don’t live in a “perfect” world, so do what you have to do.

It is important to note that there are three different types of formula.
- Cow’s milk formula has been treated to make the protein more easily digestible and is the most prevalent type of formula on the market.
- Soy formula is a vegan option that’s only recommended by doctors in rare situations, such as when your baby is allergic to the protein in cow’s milk.
- Specialized formula is for children who have particular needs, such as premature babies or babies with a high risk of developing allergies.
Three Forms of Formula
- Powder that you mix with water
- Liquid concentrate that you also mix with water
- Ready-to-feed bottles that don’t require mixing
Preparing Formula Steps
- First, wash your hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap
- Depending on your baby’s growth, you should know how many ounces your little one is drinking, so remember that each scoop of formula will amount to 2 ounces.
- Measure the amount of distilled baby water (so if your baby is drinking 4 ounces, place 4 ounces of water) then you will place two scoops of formula into the bottle.
- Unlike breastmilk, formula is very clumpy. No matter the brand, powdered formula has to be shaken to fully get mixed into the water. Again, it is better to SWIRL the liquid, but if you notice clumps, do not feel guilty about shaking that bottle. The air bubbles that are produced, should go down once you place the bottle in a bottle warmer or use the stove to warm up your baby’s bottle.

**Note: When preparing a bottle for a baby, you should be using purified, demineralized, deionized or distilled bottled water. Using regular bottled water is not recommended because it contains sodium or (sulphate) and it is not considered sterile (free from bacteria).
If you are out and about for the day, maybe you have planned your first shopping trip since having your baby or you are meeting a friend for a play date, you can also buy yourself a thermos. Pre-fill your thermos with warm distilled baby water (make sure to test the water on your wrist or the top of your hand). Place the number of scoops needed in the baby bottle and put it all into your diaper bag. Once your baby is ready to eat, simply pour the water into the bottle, shake it up and test it on your hand or wrist. Now you are ready to feed your baby.
When selecting a formula, choose what is best for your baby and for your family.