Time Is Everything

When I began my journey of Homeschooling, I made the wrong assumption.  I thought that because I was at home, my shopping routine would remain the same.  Well, I soon realized that what I was doing, was just not working.  It was taking too much time.  Shopping during a school day was out of the question because I wanted to get everything in that the kids needed to cover for the week.  Shopping after the school day was over was something I tried, but it ended up taking up so much time that I was getting dinner on way too late and the kids were getting to bed late.  So, I moved my shopping over to the weekends.  That also did not work out for us.  It began to collide with other things like gatherings and house repairs, etc.  So I knew that I had to re-vamp our routine.  When it comes to your time, every minute counts!

The New Plan

I decided that I needed to try bulk shopping.  Time was the enemy, so I began by shopping for what I needed for the month, online.  I got my shopping items scheduled for pick-up from the 3 stores I use most; Costco, Sam’s Club and Walmart.  Idealie, I only wanted to shop from one location, but having a large family makes that a little complicated.  I know it must look strange that I have memberships at both Costco and Sam’s Club, but there are reasons for it.  I go by price.  Yes, I could just stick with one, but when it comes to pick-up, I am no longer having to spend all this time driving, parking and looking around.  I get the lowest priced items for what I need and set it up.  I usually do this after the kids have gone to bed, so that I can concentrate and not miss something we need.  Once I have placed the order, the next day is simply going to those locations and picking up our food items.  I pick times where I can set it up, back to back.  This way, I am able to make use of my time.  Once having done that, the items will remain on your shopping history.  This is good time management because it allows one to be able to add the items, when needed.  One saves time from having to search for items online, too, which I like.

Tips For Making Use of Your Time

  1. Download the app for your store of choice.  This allows for easy access, plus you’ll need a smart phone at some locations to pull up your account number, order number or simply check in once you arrive for pick-up.
  2. Schedule other things that can be done for in-between waiting times.  When doing my pick-up day, I also try to get fuel.  It helps kill some time.  I just make sure to pick the same day.  Perhaps, get your car washed too!
  3. Be consistent.  When it comes to Homeschooling, organization is truly key.  When working, there is a schedule and this is no different.  Don’t fall into the trap of losing track of time, dates and lists.
  4. Get organized.  Get whatever system works for you going.  If you work well with calendar reminders, Alexa reminders, lists, then use them.
  5. Choose your mission.  Do your research and find other Homeschooling Mamas online, Instagram or Facebook.  What works for one Mom, doesn’t necessarily work for every family dynamic.  I have a large family of 7, but my choice of organizing might not work for a Mom with an only child.

What Works, What Doesn’t

For our family needs, we have looked into many different types of techniques for budgeting our money.  One of the things that didn’t work for us was shopping weekly.  This being said, we also went through a short season of having groceries delivered, which was convenient.  It didn’t work long term for us because there was an annual fee and it just made more sense to go with pick-up and save that annual fee.  In order to get myself on the same page with my Husband, we needed a plan of action.  I tried having a weekly list, but we always ended up forgetting something.  Distraction always ended up winning that battle.  So what could we do to get there?  We downloaded the app Evernote.  This enabled me to invite my Husband onto the shared list and have us each add items that we need, as they come up.  So far, it is working great!  There are many other apps to choose from, but I like this one, right now.  As far as budgeting goes, we are aiming at spending $100 per family member, per month.  Has anyone noticed the effect that inflation has had on food prices?  This has challenged us a little, but we are managing as best as we can to that goal.

My New Norm

One of the things I used to do when going into a store was taking a list.  Unfortunately, every time, I would end up buying at least one item or more, than what I had on my list!  Little things like this begin to add up.  Online shopping saves you time because you are not going into a store anymore.  When I used to go to a store, I would spend more time there than I wanted to, initially.  I would get distracted.  By the end of my shopping trip, I purchased more than I went for and spent way too much time walking around.  Another perk, is not having to stand in long lines.  Sure, you miss seeing people, but with Covid 19 regulations, all of that has changed, anyway.  Another way I save is by using the Fetch App.  By scanning receipts, points add up to purchase items via gift cards from Amazon.  As technology progresses, it becomes an extension of us.  Why not use it for helping you get organized and saving time?  While being connected to apps and clouds can help Moms get organized, let’s just hope the grid never shuts down!  Do what works for your family dynamics, hopefully some of these tips can help.



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