
Hexagons are everywhere!  In our Homeschool class, we took a moment to reflect and see just how common they are.  When we look at nature, we can see that God has used Mathematics to express His fingerprint onto nature. Hexagons are a six-sided polygon and are used by Artists, Mathematicians, Carpenters, Architects, Engineers and many other areas of study.

You’re Allowed to Blow Bubbles in Your Milk!

For our first experiment, I asked the kids to get a glass of milk and a straw.  Then, I had them blow some bubbles into their milk, until they reached the top.  After that, I told them to notice what happened to the round bubbles. Did the bubbles change their shape?  If so, what shape(s)?  Why did this happen?  As we answered these questions, I wanted them to notice how Hexagons are also found throughout nature. The kids gave me some examples they have notice, then,  we watched a video on YouTube that was about Snowflakes and how they form.  It began with describing that the drop of water actually shifts into a Hexagon before it begins to take on its unique shape.



As we were getting into our car, we noticed that there was frost that had covered the vehicle.  When we looked closer, we saw that it  had formed into many large crystal snowflakes.  I took pictures and decided to use it in our school lesson.  When we dived into the layout of Snowflakes,  it always has 6 sides.  Each snowflake is so intricately designed, yet no two snowflakes are identical.  We researched that although some Snowflakes have been found to have the same outward appearance, as identical twins have, the interior design of. identical snowflakes, are in fact very different!  So, it is still true to say that there are no two,  that are alike!

Science Reveals God

God’s Snowflakes Vs. Man-made Snow


God’s Appearance

As part of our lesson, we discussed that not only did God design snow to be intricate, but He used Mathematics to express that design.  We discussed how interesting it is that in the Bible, snow is used many times to describe aspects of God.  We see that God’s appearance is compared to being like snow.  In Revelation 1:14, John describes God “The hair on His head was white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes are like a blazing fire.”  Again in Matthew 28:3 we read, “His appearance was like lightning, and His clothes were white as snow.” 

God’s Design Revealed

In Job 38:22 it says, “Have you entered into the storehouses  of the snow? ” Storehouses can be translated as Treasure from the Hebrew word (Strong’s 214).  It’s treasure is not in the accumulated snow on the ground, but when it falls fresh from the sky.  As a particle is falling and comes into contact with water particles, it begins to change in form, as it begins to freeze.  This process is so unique.  There must be hundreds of billions of snowflakes that fall during just one storm.   The Mathematical odds of no snowflake being alike to another, is absolutely astronomical!

It goes beyond the idea or possibility of “chance”, which is exactly God’s point and purpose.  He uses many things in nature to reflect His intelligence and snow is one of them!  We discussed that not only does snow reveal God and  how unlimited He is, but it also reflects what He did for us, when it comes to sin.  Isaiah 1:18 tells us, “Come now, let us settle the matter, says the LORD.  Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Like snow, God allows His grace to fall down upon our lives with the covering for sin that could only come from Him.  My kids began to slowly see the connection.

Things Learned

Shapes- “What shapes do you see in the bubbles?”

Size-“Which snowflake is bigger?”

Patterns- “Your snowflake has a certain pattern, tell me more about it.”

Symmetry – “Is your snowflake symmetrical?”  “Look at all the sides of your snowflake that are the same on both sides.  

Spatial Relations – “Can you tell me why you see triangles, squares, pentagons and hexagons?”

Counting – “Tell me how many sides are in your bubbles and in your snowflake.” 


Getting Creative

Supplies Used:  Cup, milk, straw, molding clay, paper, wipes, tooth picks.

We decided to use some molding clay and toothpicks to design their own versions of snowflakes.

They were able to use creativity, designing skills and begin to truly understand the complexity of each snowflake made.

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