The month when your sweet, quiet baby becomes a little louder, due to pain.
My 3 Month Old’s Schedule
See my own baby’s daily routine at 3 months, as a sample schedule.
Which Solids Should Be First?
Deciding which foods to start with can be overwhelming. Read this post and learn from a Baby Expert, when is best and what foods to choose from.
Establishing Sleep Associations
Get your baby’s sleep off to a perfect start, from the beginning. To learn how, read this post.
Baby at Month 3; Avoiding Containment Syndrome
Determine whether your baby is getting the right movement needed for their development by month 3.
Feeding Baby Solid Foods
How you can be sure it’s time for solids.
Babies and Literacy
Books and Babies! See what all the fuss is about.
The Many Benefits of a Breastmilk Bath
Why is breast milk so unique? Read my article to find out its many benefits to you and baby alike!