When choosing solids with parents, I have had to consider that different cultures have different foods. So, whichever country one might be from, there is always the option of choosing from some basic food items. One of the first things to consider is that they should be a food that is easily digested.
Easily Digested Baby Foods
- Rice Cereal
- Mashed Avocado
- Mashed Banana
- Plain Whole Yogurt
- Brown Rice or Millet Cereal
- Mashed Sweet Potato
Keep Foods Home-Made
After having worked with many families throughout the years, I did see some families giving their infants fast foods like mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese and other unhealthy choices. When bought from food chains, these foods will contain high fat, cholesterol and salt.
In addition, at 6 months infants can begin to have some water in a sippie cup. Water helps the kidneys dilute the foods, but try avoiding tap water and used bottled water. They don’t need a lot of extra water, begin with 2 ounces and give it to your baby in between meals. Although juices like Apple or Pear can help with constipation, I would avoid giving it to your baby on a regular basis, as it contains high-fructose corn syrup (which leads to obesity and diabetes). Carbonated drinks should be avoided at all costs, but if you must introduce it, please do it at a much later time, preferably after 5 years of age.
If your family is prone to allergies, please keep this in mind, as allergens can be transferred genetically. Keep an eye on your infant in the future when you plan to introduce eggs, peanuts, fish, soy, shellfish, tree nuts (like pecans and walnuts).
Food Safety
Since your infant’s mouth is not yet full of teeth, avoid foods that require chewing, as this is a choking hazard. Foods like:
Grapes should be avoided, even if cut up. Wait to introduce more solid foods until after your baby has turned into a toddler at one year of age.
Safe Ways To Enjoy Solids
I have a few favorite recommendations for keeping both parents and baby happy, when it comes to deciding how else babies can enjoy new solids and flavors. The first one is one is Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder. I like to introduce juicier fruits like melons, jackfruit and dragon fruit to name a few. This fresh food feeder allows babies to get the juicy flavors, while not choking on the fruit itself. They also practice hand-eye coordination skills by holding the feeder with their two hands. The mesh does make it a little more difficult to clean, but it is just as effective.
If you would like to introduce frozen solids, while soothing those teething pains, PandaEar offers a great deal. It comes with a clip to prevent it from being dropped on the floor, while the silicone offers easy cleaning.
There are many choices, I am not getting paid to promote these products, simply reviewing what I would recommend for safe and effective options. Remember, a baby’s taste buds are flourishing with excitement, so make it tasty, while remaining safe.