Let’s face it, when we tend to put too much on our plate and place high expectations on ourselves, we’re bound to face burn out! With a list of “to do’s” that will never end, life gets overwhelming – fast! So, how can we focus on being a good Parent, but not going crazy? Here are some tips.
- Be Consistent With Yourself And Your Kids. One thing that Parents do, when stressed, is giving in. This goes for the Parent and their kid(s). Before you know it, you will find yourself giving in more often. In the end, it can just turn into chaos because you have lost track of the order you tried to enforce, in the first place. So, stop, take a breather and be consistent. That means not giving in to routines that are working for your family dynamics. It also means keeping schedules, rewards and consequences. Things happen and there will be unavoidable days where things are not going to be consistent. But by keeping things from changing too much, you will find it easier to handle everyday life.
- Set Time Aside For Self-Care. Busy Parents, tend to neglect themselves because busy Parents are simply trying to keep everyone else balanced! So, schedule a day and time for yourself. Do not let it disappear. If you have to re-schedule it, choose another day and time for your self-care. There is nothing wrong with pampering yourself, especially when you dote on your loved ones everyday.
- Take Mental Breaks. As Parents, we are always working Full Time. It’s necessary to take mental breaks to refresh our minds and destress. Take 15 minutes a few times a day and do things you enjoy. Go outside for some fresh air. Make some coffee and read or choose a friend to call. Forgetting about the current stressor, will help your brain to re-charge.
- Tasks Are Repetitive, But You Are Not Their Slave! The demands of Motherhood, does not mean that you have to check every single box of “to do’s” before the day is over. Do your best and remember that tomorrow will be there waiting for you. When it does, you can just pick up where you left off.
- Complete A Task Before Moving On. A clear sign of stress overload is switching from task to task. If you find yourself doing this, stop and re-focus. Finish a task, one at a time. Getting a few things done right is better than many left undone.
- Connect With Real People. I said it. In today’s society, social media has become the norm. We were designed to be social and that means, in person. So go find yourself a gal-pal and set up a day when you can get out and have some coffee together, while the kids keep busy by playing together.
- Get At Least 6 Hours Of Sound Sleep. Most Parents run on 7 hours or less of sleep. As long as you are getting at least 6 hours of uninterrupted, deep sleep, you will be able to function better throughout your day. Get the kid(s) to bed early and add to your sleep time. This will help you be more present for their needs.
- Set Healthy Boundaries. This sometimes includes being able to say, “no” to people. Yes, this includes family members too! For example, if you are Homeschooling your kids, as I am, there is nothing wrong with “making appointments” with family and friends. Making sure that your family needs are met, comes first over events outside your home.
- Avoid Depression With Food, Sunlight And Movement. It’s well known that Depression is more likely to be triggered by a lack of all three aforementioned things. Making sure that as a busy Parent, you are eating right, getting sunshine and exercising is key to having a sound mind.
- Disconnect From Social Media. Social Media is the number one way to fry your brain. It is an endless hole that you will find yourself pouring more into and it will never get filled. This will leave you feeling drained, stressed and unhappy. Unplug from it for at least a week every so often or seriously limit your use of it. This one is difficult, but try it and you will feel the relief in your brain. After doing that, make it a regular habit. Your sanity is more important for your family.