When it comes to juggling things, I don’t think any other role has as many items to handle as Motherhood does!  I had to sit down one day to think about it.  I wrote down all the hats I have worn as a Mother and thought it would be fun to share.

  1. Homeschool Teacher – Any Mom that does it knows.  It  is all-encompassing!
  2. Musician – It’s a talent some Moms possess and getting through the rough spots of listening to an annoying note or pitch being played is all worth it when kids learn the sound of music! As a drummer, I have had an ear for music and have watched as my two kids have shown they too possess the talent of music.  My daughter is taking piano and my son is composing his own using technology.  Maybe I have a Music Producer and Pianist coming in the future!
  3. Dog Groomer – DIY Moms do it.  They have learned the skill of having to trim nails and bathe dogs.
  4. Tour Guide –  When it comes to Homeschool Field trips, Mom is the guide that does the research and chaperones the kiddos.
  5. Financial Advisor – It’s a great thing to be able to teach a child how to manage money.   Making sure kids know how to spend their allowance, is crucial.   Our rule is, you must have the amount that you want to spend in your piggy bank.  This allows that kids always have something in the bank.  They can treat themselves every now and again, but if they want to splurge on something Big or expensive, they have to save up quite a bit because they must still have the same amount, in the bank.
  6. Mechanic – When it comes to driving kids around all day, car maintenance is a must.
  7. Painter – We try to refresh their rooms, so when that time comes, Mom puts on an old hat, old clothes and starts painting their room.
  8. Caregiver – I am the Caregiver for my Dad who is in Hospice, but if Moms have a Baby, they too share the same needs.
  9. Case Manager – It’s called multi-tasking, which is right up our alley.
  10. Detective – Finding lost toys, siblings, socks is all part of it!
  11. Interior Designer – When it comes to decorating a house, we don’t hire anyone, it’s Mom inspired!
  12. Wedding Coordinator – I was my own Wedding Coordinator as well as a family member’s last year.  When it comes to details, I’m on it and it was so much fun both times!
  13. Hair Stylist – Having great fine motor skills comes in handy when being a Mother.  Look for future reels on Instagram and posts on hairstyles I’ve done for weddings and everyday for little girls.
  14. Makeup Artist –  When it comes to a play or just having a dress up session, applying makeup becomes a fun time for sure.  Having an eye for technique is one thing I love, when applying makeup.  Whether it’s fancy or not, it’s always all about knowing the mood of the occasion.
  15. Counselor – Good listening ears will always lead friends, family and kids to Moms for advice.
  16. Referee – When it comes to big arguments, Mpms are always there to “break it up” and allow kids to apologize and make up with each other.
  17. Cook – Being in the kitchen is a big part of a Moms daily routine, so cooking and finding new and fun recipes is always a blast!
  18. Dish Washer – Although most Moms have one, some also have to do it “old school” when it comes to the items that are not dishwasher safe or fragile.
  19. Nurse – When it comes to those nasty days of bed days, throwing up and fevers, Mom is always there to comfort her kids.
  20. Gardener – One of my favorite past times.  Gardening is not only fun, but therapeutic.  The best reward is seeing kids learn about Gardening and reaping a great harvest.
  21. Crafter – Crafts are not for every Mom, to some, it’s their nightmare.  Making home-made projects helps teach kids patience, cooperation, using their imagination skills and pride of ownership.
  22. House Cleaner – This is every Mom’s hat, during the early years.  Once they grow up to help out,  it makes a huge difference in the work load.
  23. Driver – Having kids under the age of owning their own Driver’s license means Mom is the Taxi driver.  I’m enjoying these years.
  24. Medical Assistant – Although I have this certification and have worked for many Physicians, it also comes in handy when my kids have had big gashes, wounds and needed extra gauze and tlc.
  25. Party Coordinator – When it comes to Birthday Parties or celebrating Dad, it’ll be Mom that has to think ahead and plan the fun!
  26. Developmental Specialist –  The first child is always the “guinea pig”, but as Moms have more kids, they too become one.  Early Childhood is my area of expertise, so throughout the years, it has been a blessing to be able to guide families as well as keep Early Intervention and Prevention, a part of my home, too.
  27. Baker – As a Mom, baking is a part of your kitchen experience.  Make your baking disasters wonderful memories and the great outcomes that can be enjoyed throughout the years.
  28. Bilingual Teacher – Some Moms speak more than one language.  As a Bilingual Mom, I am also endorsed in being able to teach ESL students.  It is a blessing for any child to speak more than one language.  Seeing my kids flourish in a dual language home is one of my joys.
  29. Organizer – A Mom with a type “A” personality is always going to be organizing.  This definitely cames in handy when taking on Homeschooling.  Is it always going to be perfect?  No, but it’s modeling good thinking skills to your kids.
  30. Sunday School Teacher –  As an Early Childhood Educator, I always told Parents that “you are your child’s first Teacher.  As a Christian, this happens Monday through Saturday for our home.  I am always using moments throughout our day as a teaching moment with Biblical principles.
  31. Toddler Nutritionist – All Moms aim for this during the early years.  Having had 3 toddlers, it is always a great thing to introduce healthy eating styles from a very young age.  Now, the real challenge is keeping Grand Parents from ruining that for you!
  32. Toy Recall Analyst – Yes, I am talking about that Mom!. When out shopping, your kids will always have to go to the bathroom.  Everyone knows that places like Walmart post their Toy recalls on the wall.  This Mom will take note each time.  Keeping one’s  Babies safe is important. But getting on an e-mail alert system, is even better.
  33. Blogger – Moms all over the world do it.  It’s a great way to share and learn.  Although I have two websites, blogging comes when I get some sort of “down time.”  It allows for me to share in the Mommy moments and share about a loving God at my other website.  We never stop teaching and blogging is a great way to share in those moments.
  34. Photographer – The life of most kids is documented through hundreds of thousands of pictures, every day.  Photography is the best time machine for all Moms!
  35. Taste Tester – When it comes to modeling for kids to follow, tasting new foods is Mom’s job.  It also happens to be for anything that looks “gross.”  It’s the way that Moms show kids that what they may deem to be “disgusting”, is actually safe and delicious.  I encourage this during Toddlerhood because now, my children are taking on that role, more on their own.
  36. Swim Instructor – Two week classes just aren’t enough for swim classes during the summer!  Mom is the one that has had to take the kiddos to the pool and it’s also so therapeutic!
  37. Story Teller – We don’t wait to go to “Story Time” at the Library to have someone read to their kid,  it begins at home, with Mom.    It allows for Moms to bond with their kids, show facial expressions, teach new sound effects and kids all  prefer Mom’s lap, to a stranger’s.
  38. Librarian – A favorite time for kids is going to the Library.  As an Early Childhood Professional, I cannot stress enough the importance of Literacy!  So, showing kids how to use their own Library is one of the things they will be able to pass onto Mom’s Grand kids too,  one day.
  39. Coach – Any new skill or sport is going to come with Mom helping out too.  Bike riding is just one of them and coaching kids through learning,  is all worth the cuts, bruises, falls and cries after they master it!
  40. Volunteer – For a child to see their Mom volunteer, teaches their child that their Mom is not only giving and sacrificial with them, but also others.  My Husband and I have taken our kids to volunteer at a Homeless Shelter.  They learned through our modeling behavior.  At first, they were afraid and unsure, but once they were able to see people, serving them was easy.
  41. Time Keeper – I’m taking credit for Sari and Alexa now.  But the master-mind behind setting the time limits, is Mom.  It starts in Toddlerhood, when learning,  “time is up.”  Moms have a tight ship to run, so Alexa and Sari, Moms everywhere, thank you.
  42. Camp Coordinator – Our camping trips are always a blast, but that’s because, behind the scenes, Mom is organizing the events, trails to hike, dinner to cook, etc.
  43. Explorer – Exploring is what Moms do to teach their kids to discover new things.  Being outdoors is something I love and my kids love the same.  Exploring is always encouraged because having my kids discover something in nature is way more exciting for us than anything technology could ever offer!  It keeps kids, as kids.
  44. Travel Agent – If I had the choice, I would travel constantly!  When Moms plan trips, we look to saving some money, but keeping it fun.
  45. Super Hero – When it comes to saving the day, Mom is going to make sure that the kids come out of any disaster with a smile on their face.
  46. Seamstress – Let’s face it, fixing holes, hems, rips, and placing patches is a Mom job.
  47. Play Mate – All Moms hear their kids ask, “Mom, will you play with me?”  We put on our imagination caps, turn up our voices and become kids again too.  This time is precious for every kid.
  48. Motivational Speaker – When it comes to encouraging our kids to be brave, take a chance, overcome their fears, it’s our job!  We are the spring board they need to get started.
  49. Personal Shopper – Until they learn to manage money and shop on their own, Moms are doing it for them.  We purchase clothing, food, toys, toiletries, sports gear, Baby gear, camping gear, etc.  We are their personal assistant, until they graduate into their own individual hat.
  50. Fire Fighter – Moms with Boys know.  If there are Boys, there will be fires.  We put them out, keep them out and wipe the smile off our Son’s faces, in fear they become Pyros one day.

We wear them because they come with the job.  Do we get exhausted?  Of course!  Do we love it?  Not always, but we do it out of the love we have for the precious gifts we have been blessed with.  Today is Mother’s Day, I hope and pray yours is beautiful and don’t forget to wear your hats, proudly, Mama!

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