- Breast milk is always ready! No preparation involved, simply latch baby on. God is so awesome to give us what we need!
- Breast milk is FREE!! Enough said!
- Breastmilk contains all the nutrients your baby needs, including antioxidants, vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, fat (the good kind), hormones and digestive enzymes.
- It is easier! There is no measuring or pre-heating needed
- It helps with your baby’s brain development.
- It helps Mom’s uterus shrink back to size and also helps Mom’s weight go back to pre-baby weight.
- It makes night time feedings easy.
- It makes traveling easy.
- It changes according to your baby’s needs.
- It reduces risk of diseases.
- It reduces risk of infections
- It promotes bonding with your baby (you should always keep eye contact, while breastfeeding your baby.)
- Lowers Mom’s risk of post- partum depression.
- Lowers Mom’s risk for ovarian and uterine cancer in the future,
- It prevents having your period! *(Please know that just because you do not get a period, BUT you are Highly Fertile and CAN get pregnant immediately). So discuss birth control methods with your Husband/partner and Provider.
- It lowers risk of allergies for baby.
- It causes less constipation, as compared to formula.
- It reduces the risk of S.I.D.S. (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
- It reduces the risk of osteoporosis for Mom.
- It reduces the risk of obesity for baby.
Those first days are difficult and there are always exceptions. For example, if your baby ends up in the NICU, it could be introduced to using your milk with a bottle. That later could produce a preference for a bottle. Keep trying to latch your baby and hospitals always provide a Lactation Specialist to help you with that, while your baby is in the NICU. I also recommend that you ask if you can see a Lactation Specialist after the baby has been discharged and if problems arise, while you are home with the baby.
Another reason some might want to give up is due to having an inverted nipple. Yes, this happens, but you can still breastfeed your baby. Some might suggest to you that you use a nipple shield, but again, choose to speak to a Lactation Specialist, while still at the hospital and be adamant that you prefer to breastfeed.
Engorgement could occur. This is when your first milk comes in and your breasts are so full of milk that the baby simply can’t get a good latch. Don’t give up. I highly recommend getting a Haakaa Manual Breast Milk Extractor before giving birth! If you become engorged, some babies are able to latch on, but the force of your let down milk can be so strong when coming out, that it causes your baby to start choking on it and makes the baby give up. Just place the Haakaa onto your breast and get that fore milk out first (about one minute). Then, re-latch your baby. If you are able to get a breast pump by the time you give birth, only pump for One Minute! Then re-latch your baby. If you are engorged and in pain, get some breast ice packs. I highly recommend buying some BEFORE you give birth. Place them on your breasts, while breastfeeding.
It also hurts while breastfeeding, which causes women to give up. This is a natural and good process your body is going through. As you breastfeed, you will feel your uterus contracting (like the beginning of labor pains). You can order some Post Part Tincture Drops that are for uterine contraction pain that are organic and more natural. Usually you can drop some drops in water and drink 30 minutes before you breastfeed. If you choose not to go that route, you could always use an over the counter pain reliever, but check with your Provider to discuss it. Don’t give up!
The key is knowing what to expect beforehand! Sometimes, a baby that is angry and crying because they are hungry can be emotionally overwhelming, especially two weeks after you have given birth and your hormones are not balanced yet. There are natural tinctures you can use for your hormones, as well. If you have someone there with you when baby becomes frustrated, hand the baby to that person (husband, partner, Mother, Mother-in-Law, friend, – whomever!). Take a slight break to get control of yourself and calm down. Babies can pick up on a Mother that is upset and frustrated, you must be calm to set the example to your baby. This actually is called Self-Regulation. It begins with breastfeeding and is key to dealing with temperaments and emotional behavior in babies. So, have someone place a pacifier into the baby’s mouth. This forces the baby to slow down their breathing (since they can only breath through their nose at this point). Once they slow their breathing, they are calm, then you can have your helper hand you your baby and try again.